Atrium House in Lower Saxony, Germany

A sun- and light-flooded house was desired by the owners. The plot seemed rather inconvenient at first glance, being long, deep, and shaded on the south side through an apartment building. This led to the idea of an atrium building which allows, due to its partial constriction, to position the facade facing north and therefore maximize the distance to the shading neighbouring house. The modern interpretation of the concept ‘atrium house’ was an opportunity to bring natural light into the interior and to use the terrain to full capacity.

Developed from the basic concept of an atrium house, a trisection of the exterior and interior spaces emerged: In addition to the central atrium there is now a roadside entrance court as well as a rear garden. On the street side, there is the three-story wing of the house containing the private areas and bedrooms. Behind it, the smaller kitchen area is located. The kitchen block continues to the outside into the courtyard, the material seems to be running through the glass window. Due to the constriction of the building right here, the façade is set back far to the north and creates plenty of space for the terrace patio facing south.

In a split-level design the family retreat room, the children level and the master bedroom at the very top respectively continue along, separated by half-a-story. Adjoining the kitchen area, the rectangular living area opens out into the rear garden through floor-to-ceiling glazing. The barrier-free glazing across the corner makes all sense of spatial limitation disappear. Everything seems to flow into the green. The wood flooring extends up to the terrace, over which the roof extends far beyond.

This meaningful living concept supports a harmonious family life. All of the interior design is kept in natural colors and materials due to the strong reference to the garden. Built-in furniture like the wardrobe at the entrance provide many additional features for a tidy reception. The result is a quiet oasis in the city. Undisturbed from the neighbours, the family can enjoy their kingdom.